UNIversity Research And Technology Service

Patient Care
Our directory of Patient Care Gateways guides users to the primary patient care portals, typically represented by the parent university's affiliated Hospital or Medical Center, and to secondary portals for listings of:
  • Affiliates (Clinical/Teaching Sites)
  • Locations (Hospitals/Treatment Centers)
  • Physicians (Doctors/Specialists)
  • Services (Services/Treatments)

> In the directory, click the icon next to school/unit names to view virtual index cards containing selected resource URLs and data elements.

Currently, this directory does not contain unit data elements, as the principal reason for its inclusion is to provide FREE ACCESS to individuals in acute need of assistance regarding diagnosis, prevention or treatment options for medical conditions, diseases or disorders impacting their family members or loved ones.

We extend this assistance in identifying (individual or institutional) healthcare providers whose experience, expertise and insights might just be able to make a difference in the lives of others. In such situations, our role is limited to enabling access to our data. We neither recommend nor suggest specific individuals or institutions as preferred providers—we act strictly as a conduit for consumers to become better educated regarding their options.

> Contact Jack Detweiler via telephone (386-244-7848) or email () to request assistance.